This unnamed Angel replaces Aqua after she is sent to Axel and is currently the one guiding young deceased people from Japan to the afterlife. She informs Aqua that she may return after the Devil King has been defeated.[1]
She has short blonde hair and green eyes. She wears a pink dress with a short skirt along with a few blue stripes. She also possesses two large white wings.
She is very kind and polite, with a calm voice. She is unfazed by Aqua's pleading however and is thus very strict when it comes to the regulations. She motivates Kazuma and Aqua to defeat the Devil King by promising them a wish after they successfully return. Unlike Aqua, she is very earnest and explains the details of reincarnation to the Japanese people who die; because the Parallel World is so dangerous and learning the language could destroy a person mind, her honesty has the unintended consequence of no more Japanese people choosing to be reincarnated.

- In the manga, although she only appears in one panel, she looks very different, with a long white dress along with a laurel wreath.