May I Seek A Priest With This Tempestuous Cleric! (この荒ぶる聖女と女神様探しを!, Kono Araburu Sējo to Purīsuto Sagashi wo!) is the eighteenth chapter of the KonoSuba Bakuen manga series, and covers Chapter 3 in Volume 3 of the light novels.
The blue-haired woman performs party tricks to the enjoyment of other bar customers and the exasperation of her companion in a jersey, while outside the window Megumin drags the reluctant Cecily from the place.
Cecily explains that she needs Megumin's help, as Zesta had heard the voice of Aqua coming from Axel which asked to borrow money, and thus sent her here to investigate. Crawling into Megumin's bed while Chomusuke cuddles in her owner's cloak, Cecily interprets the appearance of the Demon as a sign of her needing to use the church's funds for hiring people to kill it, though with the local Axis branch barely functioning, she can only afford to hire Megumin. Megumin tries to chase the Priest sniffing her scent on the sheets out, but upon Cecily offering her millions of eris to help her find the rumoured Archpriest and slay the Demon, she changes her mind and quickly accepts.
The two then head out to look for the Archpriest, although Megumin doubts whether they can find her if the other adventurers failed, and shoots down Cecily's recommendations for searching the public baths, opting instead for churches where the Archpriest may go pray or public cemeteries where she may likely comfort the wandering lost souls. Megumin decides to check the local branch of the Eris Church first, but is shocked to see Cecily trying to break in while the Eris Priestess within declines entry to Axis followers. Refusing Cecily's request to obliterate the church, Megumin politely asks from the Eris Priestess how that Archpriest who isn't of their church may possibly go to a nearby orphanage which offers free food, before Cecily throws a rock to break the church window, which sends the Eris Priestess chasing them off in frenzy.
As the pair walks through town later that night, the hungry Cecily proclaims that the Archpriest is in a bar where a blue-haired performer is putting up a show while her companion in a jersey facepalms. Megumin though dismisses it as nonsense and continues to the orphanage, where a worker tells of an un-Archpriestly blue-haired girl regularly helping herself to the free meals that Cecily also digs into until Megumin clobbers her. Finally as they search at the public cemetery, Megumin screams when the Priest scares her as a joke. Subsequently feeling the presence of something at their backs, the both of them make a dash for it until they reach town, where Cecily recalls glimpsing a pale Undead woman with wavy brown hair muttering behind them.
The following morning, a sleep-deprived Megumin carrying Chomusuke enters the Guild to find Yunyun crying after spending the night there without anyone inviting her to join their party. Lex and his party then show up asking for the Crimson Magic wizard's help to enact their plan, which involves capturing a dangerous black monster called the Beginner's Bane that the Demon is probably looking for. Assuring the girls how their party had fought plenty of Beginner's Banes before and can keep them safe, he proposes using it to negotiate with the Demon.
The five of them later head into the forest with a large cage, though Megumin feels that something isn't right. They then run into a Beginner's Bane and the tribe of Goblins it is protecting, so Lex's party charge in to slaughter the Goblins, and upon the Beginner's Bane attacking Derry, Yunyun casts Sleep onto it. Yet just as they are about to lock it into the cage, Host suddenly shows up and angrily knocks out Lex and his party with a single hit for what they did to Wolbach, before realising the fallen feline is just a Beginner's Bane, cementing Megumin's suspicion that he too is after Chomusuke.
It so happened that five days after registering as an adventurer, Yunyun was petitioned by some man to pose as his girlfriend for introducing to his ailing mother, then upon Yunyun refusing, begged on his knees for her to have a short date with him. Just as Yunyun was about to be pressured into accepting, the man is scared off by the returning Megumin, who then yells at Yunyun for getting ensnared by the lies these wierdoes sprout out.
Differences to other versions[]
- Megumin clobbering Cecily for glutting on the free meals is a manga-only feature.
- Chomusuke in the light novel notices Wiz's presence first and thus alerts Megumin, who on the following morning has to head for the Guild alone because Cecily insists on napping after a night of drinking.
- Rex upon approaching the Crimson Magic girls in the light novel first teases Megumin as a means of relieving his stress from failing to find the Archpriest, then explains his plans of capturing a Beginner's Bane during their way into the forest.
- In the light novel, Yunyun also helps out in the battle against the Goblins, while the Beginner's Bane shows itself after the bait monsters are all vanquished.
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