Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Big Snow Sprites ((だい)(ゆき)(せい)) are the conglomerates of many Snow Sprites.[1]


Big Snow Sprites look like snowmen built from two heaps of snow, with eyes resembling black dots on both the top and bottom heaps as well as lines for eyebrows on the top heap. Their size, ranging from a few to a dozen people tall, depends on how many Snow Sprites they contain.


Big Snow Sprites appear every few decades when Snow Sprites group together into one big mass, and as a result temperatures around its vicinity drop drastically. Although they are friendly towards people and will cozy up to them, the chill they bring as well as their overbearing weight usually cause harm instead.

From the magical essence of winter concentrated within them in high levels, Big Snow Sprites can generate Eternal Ice Crystals capable of chilling objects around it while never melting. As such, when looking for one of such crystals to serve as the cursed relic's replacement parts, Kazuma along with his party braved the Ice Mountain frozen by a Big Snow Sprite, then subsequent to burning the smaller Snow Sprites out of it with a Salamander to reduce its size, proceeded to defeat it and obtain the crystal.


  • Big Snow Sprite R (大雪精R): Big Snow Sprite with a snowflake halo that Kazuma's party had to fight if they didn't burn it smaller first.


  • Diamond Dust (ダイヤモンドダスト): Summons a storm of snowflake dust hard enough to shred everything in the vicinity.


  • Despite their generally humungous sizes, Big Snow Sprites are after all Snow Sprites, so defeating them will also attract the Winter Shogun.


