Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Brutal Alligators (ブルータルアリゲーター) are huge alligators that dwell in unclean waters.[1]


Brutal Alligators look like alligators that grow horns on their heads. In the manga they have one horn and sized a little bigger than common alligators, while in the anime they grow two horns and purple scales as well as have a body length of up to seven people long.


Brutal Alligators are carnivorous reptiles that like to inhabit unclean waters and hunt in packs, surrounding fish and other small animals before attacking.


  • Zombie Alligator (ゾンビ・アリゲーター): Physical illusions spawned in the Mystery Tower that are the manifestation of Aqua's fear of alligators and trauma from being chased by Undead, which take the form of zombie-like Brutal Alligators.[2]
  • Crazy Alligator (クレイジーアリゲーター): A stronger breed of Brutal Alligator with different coloured scales on their backs, white abdomens and a poisonous bite capable of pulverising stone.[3]


  • Powerful jaws: Brutal alligators have powerful jaws that are strong enough to damage iron,[1] and even their hatchlings can bite through small branches with ease.[4]

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