Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Kindliness for This Useless Goddess! (この駄女神に温情を!, Kono Damegami ni Onjō wo!) is the thirty-eighth chapter of the KonoSuba Comic Anthology manga series, and was illustrated by Segami Akira.


As gratitude for the business deals he brings, one day Kazuma is gifted three paper tags by Vanir. After hearing how each of them can grant him any one wish as long as they involve something tangible, Kazuma decides to use them wisely.

Following a subsequent quest against Giant Toads, which ends with Megumin Exploding the last of them, the whole party is covered in slime that only Darkness enjoys. When Aqua hollers about wanting to take a dip in hot springs, Megumin and Kazuma both hope to go bathe at hot springs sans Axis followers while Darkness desires the opposite, much to Aqua's chagrin.

Remembering about Vanir's paper tags, Kazuma uses one of them to wish for hot springs, and a Japanese style hot springs bathhouse consequently appears. After hearing Kazuma explain about the paper tags, Aqua snatches one of them before wishing for tasty sake. The infuriated Kazuma proceeds to douse her with Created Water, and ignoring her claims that sake and hot springs pair well together, penalises her expending of someone else's property by forbidding her into the hot springs.

Although Megumin and Darkness both vouch for the slimily begging Aqua, once Kazuma asks if they want to take a dip in hot springs, they change their minds and tell Aqua to stay outside until they are done, much to the distress of the goddess who doesn't want to bathe in leftover water. Aqua thus blinds the others with Force Fire, and seizes the opening to rush in so she can get the first dip, only to purify the spring water into pure hot water.

Some time afterward, Megumin and Darkness enjoy their sake bath that has a texture comparable to the body wash from the Royal Capital, courtesy of Kazuma who is currently in the men's side having poured the distraught Aqua's bottle of sake into the purified hot springs. Meanwhile, Aqua is given one tidbit of kindliness in the form of a steel drum bath created by using the final paper tag, which she has to tearfully bathe in outside before eventually given the leftover sake bath waters.


