The Giant Toad Ghost (ジャイアントトードゴースト) was an Undead apparition that appeared in the Mystery Tower.[1]
The Giant Toad Ghost looks like an evil cross between a Giant Toad and Undead, sporting red eyes and a black slimy body that has a skull pattern over its head, as well as a bluish tongue salivating ghostly saliva.
Spawned as a physical illusion from the trauma felt by Aqua towards Giant Toads and Undead, it attacked Kazuma and his party on their way up the tower during their search for the magical stone. Despite Aqua and Megumin becoming terrified by its appearance as well as the slimy saliva it spat at them, it was in the end defeated, after which Kazuma began to realise the truth about the tower.
- Sticky Deluge (ステッキィデリュージ): Sprays the area with a deluge of sticky sludge.
- Grudge Bomb (グラージボム): Spits out a globule of grudgeful saliva at an enemy.