Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

The Ice Mountain ((こおり)(やま)) is a frozen mountain made of ice standing deep in the Snowfield Forest.[1]


Being a location where Snow Sprites like to congregate, the mountain under their influence became colder and icier, until the whole mountain was covered in ice. Despite slippery icy passageways and monsters especially resistant to the cold on the prowl, people still travel up there to explore, though many lost their lives due to various reasons, and ended up as Undead frozen within the ice or at the bottom of crevices.

As the Snow Sprites around the area gathered in increasing numbers and concentration, the nearby temperature plunged to the point where normal people will freeze to death as soon as they set foot in the mountain unless they have some kind of heating item. But once Kazuma's party scattered the Snow Sprites during their journey to obtain the cursed relic's replacement part, the local climate reverted to normal.


