Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Kazuma Satou[]

Iris initially disliked and underestimated Kazuma, however after hearing his stories she quickly warmed up to him and eventually fell in love with him. A lot of Kazuma's personality has rubbed off on Iris, as she often employs his dirty tactics and even began speaking in the informal tone used by Kazuma. Aqua believes that Iris doesn't have an objective outlook when it comes to Kazuma.

Iris has stated that the reason she likes Kazuma so much is because of his less admirable traits, believing them to be a breath of fresh air compared to the usual pampering she receives. A lot of Iris' motivation to experience every day life and go on adventures stems from her wanting to be respected by her idol.

When the Prime Minister of Elroad impersonated Kazuma in an attempt to seduce Iris, she was able to see through the act immediately and exterminate the threat. Furthermore, while Iris understands that Kazuma has a perverse nature, she is also one of the few people that realizes he would never try anything serious without the permission of the other party, even allowing him to sleep with her without hesitation.

According to Megumin and Claire, Kazuma seems to influence Iris' behavior, as some kind of bad example to her, being responsible for her tomboyish, more rebel and less restraining behavior.


In the past, Darkness was one of Iris's only friends who would play with her when she still couldn't talk properly. Iris admired Darkness as a big sister, although Iris seems to see her as more of an adult after the latter's numerous romantic interactions with Kazuma.

Despite their closeness, Darkness still addresses Iris using honorifics and almost never takes the same casual tone with the Princess that Kazuma and Megumin do, often maintaing the same revering tone as most of Iris's retainers. However she is happy to reprimand Iris when the situation calls for it, such as when the Princess insulted Kazuma during their first meeting.

Claire and Rain[]

Claire and Rain are the main responsible for Iris' parenting while her family isn't around, as her bodyguard and tutor, respectively. They usually act like their parents, as Claire acts as a more strict parent while Rain is more doting.

Iris has a great respect for them, being very obedient in order of not giving them trouble, never doing whatever she really wishes. Iris is also very proud of Claire's abilities and prestige.


When Iris met Dust for the first time on the streets of Axel, she thought he was a drunkard accosting a woman and had him locked up in jail. This incident, coupled with the time she tailed Dust with Megumin and Chris, led Iris to view Dust as an unsavory character.

After spending sometime wandering around the Capital with Dust and Rin, she began to warm up to the blonde delinquent. She later apologized to Dust for having him arrested after it is implied that she discovers that he was the Dragon Knight who gave her a dragon ride, even promising to treat him to a meal.


Iris didn't initially have a lot of interactions with Megumin, only really getting to know the latter when she joined her thieving group. They often fight over Kazuma's affections but still maintain a good relationship when he isn't around.

They later became friends, with Iris often hanging out with her, Yunyun and Cecily, playing and adventuring together as a party. Iris started to refer Megumin as "boss" since the later became the leader of their party.

Prince Jatice[]

According to Iris, she used to play with her older brother all the time when she was younger, however as she grew older her brother grew more distant. Jatice now spends most of his time on the front lines and rarely sees Iris. Although they have a distant relationship Iris still cares deeply and respects her older brother.

Prince Levy[]

Although Iris was promised in marriage with him, Levy was very disrespectful with both Iris and her kingdom. It was, however, an act in order to call off the wedding without hurting her feelings, and Levy ended up falling in love for Iris' kindness and positivity after the marriage was canceled, and was heartbroken after Iris put him in the "friend-zone".

