May Care Be Taken with This Questionable Magic Item! (この怪しげな魔道具にご注意を!, Kono Ayashigena Madōgu ni Gochūi wo!) is the fifty-ninth chapter of the KonoSuba manga series, and covers Chapter 4 in Volume 6 of the light novels.
Chris while walking along the streets noticed Aqua preaching in the streets.
Kazuma awkwardly explains to an exasperated Eris how the battle had initially been going well, as he left the dangerous monsters for other adventurers to deal with while taking potshots from afar at the weak ones Darkness had been charging towards, yet rushing out to pursue a weak Kobold after becoming too sure of himself, he instead ran into an ambush by its numerous kin, where they ganged up on and bludgeoned him to death. The goddess however reveals that she is upset over his sexual harassment, reminding him of how he had sexually harassed one of her Thief followers the other day. Making Eris even angrier instead after claiming he had mistook Chris to be a man due to her flat chest, Kazuma begs for the goddess' forgiveness, before she scratches her face and teases him over his new little sister.
Eris next talks to him about the Divine Items gifted by Aqua, the majority of which cannot cause much harm when not in the hands of the reincarnates they were granted exclusive use to like in Gram's case, except for the two missing items Chris had mentioned, since they can still be utilised by somebody else albeit having respectively a need to pay the summoned monster a price and a time limit on the body switching period. Despite those weakened Divine Items requiring a special keyword to be spoken in order to be used, Eris is still concerned with the mere possibility of them being misused by other people and hence cause ill feelings to be harboured towards the reincarnates. Accordingly pointing out that he will need to hand those Divine Items to Aqua who is able to seal them, she beseeches Kazuma to aid her with this rewardless and thankless task.
Kazuma is next Resurrected by Aqua who teases him for being killed by Kobolds and made her choose to bring him back to life long after the fierce battle with numerous monsters was over, before a crowd of grateful adventurers thank her with fine bubbly for Healing their wounded and Resurrecting their casualties. Darkness is next lauded for tanking all of the enemy's spells as she charged into their midst and drew away the attention of the shocked Demon King's troops, and finally Megumin carried on a stretcher is named the day's MVP for reducing the irritating enemy commander along with his retreating troops to ash, making Kazuma realise that he is the only one who didn't do any remarkable. However, when Megumin whose chuunibyou proclamation spoken while she finished off the enemy gets praised reveals herself as the one who ended many of the Demon King's Generals in addition to the Destroyer using Explosion, the awed adventurers ask to see her cast Advanced Magic, which she tries to decline through various excuses. She later asks Kazuma, who is carrying her towards the Royal Castle for the victory banquet, if they can return to Axel the first thing next morning.
Although Kazuma is reluctant to enter the castle where Darkness already went to in fear of trouble, Iris who calls him "big brother" to Megumin's displeasure comes out to greet him inside, and subsequent to being shocked at him dying once, comforts him regarding his lack of feats in the battle. After Iris runs off to ask Claire for permitting Kazuma's stay at the castle, Megumin suggests her also calling Kazuma her "big brother" too, though Kazuma declines because her role is the loli girl and not the little sister, sparking another scuffle from her.
While Megumin rests in Kazuma's bedroom at the castle where life is luxurious, she tells him how she enjoys it more with the four of them living in Axel. Iris then comes to inform Kazuma of Claire's opposition to him staying, making Megumin feel jealous at being left out of the conversation, before she notices the necklace worn by Iris being a powerful magical item. Explaining how she accepted this necklace in place of the absent Jatice to whom it was originally gifted to, Iris shows them the indecipherable script etched on the back of its pendant, which is needed to be spoken out loud for the magic of the necklace to function. Upon noticing that script to be Japanese, Kazuma utters them out loud, resulting in the necklace glowing before emitting a bright flash. Megumin afterwards doesn't notice anything different, until Iris speaks in Kazuma's tone, while Kazuma claims to be Iris.
Differences to other versions[]
- Kazuma in the light novel actually saved Aqua from a Kobold biting on her, before his arrogance got the better of him.
- In the light novel, Aqua at Darkness' advice deposits Kazuma's dead body, which she tied weights onto, into a corner so that it won't be damaged nor taken away by monsters.
- There is a procession of victory as the forces of Belzerg led by Claire proudly march back into the city to the cheering of crowds in the light novel.
- The manga makes the magical necklace a separate pendant that Iris starts wearing in this chapter instead of the one she had been drawn wearing all along.
- The keywords etched onto the pendant are modified from a line in the play Measure for Measure.
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