Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

May We Have an Explosion Date from Time to Time! (たまにはこんな爆裂デートを, Tamani wa Konna Bakuretsu Dēto wo) is the sixty-sixth chapter of the KonoSuba manga series, and covers the Toranoana bonus short story in Volume 5 of the light novels.


Megumin notices someone behind her as she walks the streets.


One day Kazuma is busy reading, when Megumin wearing a dress comes bashfully asking if he wants to go on a date with her. Kazuma immediately goes to change without asking questions, since he believes that Megumin is simply having the hots for him upon entering puberty. Megumin however frantically denies having any interest in Kazuma, though she withdraws the statement upon seeing Kazuma going into depression, and goes on to explain.

Later, Kazuma who is on his first date awkwardly holds hands with Megumin as they walk the streets while engaging in a performed dialogue, though Megumin feels cross at Kazuma whose last time holding hands with girls was during primary school for him belittling her. She then notices the boy who had been stalking her for some time peeking at them from afar, and when teased by Kazuma to have a sick admirer, proclaims herself to be too devoted to Explosion Magic for love. Continuing with their act of Kazuma playing her boyfriend so the boy will give up, Megumin insists on them merely pretending to be friendly.

They soon sit down at a cafe where Megumin orders a cup of juice, but Kazuma states that lovers need to share one drink despite Megumin insisting on using two separate straws, before he drinks it all up himself. Next heading to the theatre, Megumin expresses reluctance to entering at children prices, though she then clamours to watch the show about "Punchin' Potemkin" which depicts how Baron Potemkin overcame all kinds of national problems by punching people into submission, one that Kazuma although curious finds unsuitable for dates. They both end up liking the show for its unexpected twists and turns before discussing the baron's historical assessments, and subsequently squabble over whether to eat meat or eel, while the boy continues to peek at them.

Despite not really doing anything couples would do, they soon find the boy no longer tailing them, so Megumin who is glad for the fun day decides to wrap up the date with an Explosion. But when they head outside the town, the pair discovers the boy determinedly waiting for them. With Megumin at a loss over what to do, Kazuma proceeds to declare Megumin as his cherished girlfriend. Yet before he can finish, the boy asks Megumin to teach him Explosion which he had become infatuated with. Upon Kazuma realising how his stalking of Megumin was not due to him liking her, the boy proclaims that he has a right to choose the older sister types whom he likes instead of ones who look like kids. The two of them soon feel a furious storm of magic whirling around Megumin, and so edge away before sprinting as fast as they can from the ensuing Explosion.


Differences to other versions[]

  • The part where Kazuma prepares to tell the boy that Megumin is his girlfriend is a manga-only feature.


External Links[]

