Blessings and Appreciation for This Goddess! (女神に感謝と祝福を, Megami ni Kansha to Shukufuku wo) is the ninetieth chapter of the KonoSuba manga series, and covers Chapter 5 to Epilogue 1 in Volume 8 of the light novels.
Aqua and her followers go around telling the townsfolk about something great that they are offering.
As the audience gawks in astonished silence at the Goddess of Fortune on the stage, upon the announcer's request Eris confirms her identity, leading to the crowd going into a frenzy. Kazuma too is moved by the rallying power of the goddess, while Aigis who turns ecstatic chooses her as its master. After Eris cutely declares her age and occupation a secret, much to the elation of the audience, Kazuma explains to the jubilant suit of armour how she is also Chris.
One member of the audience proceeds to beseech for a handshake with the descended Goddess of Fortune in hopes of getting blessed by good luck, which in turn incites the rest of the crowd to clamber onstage for the same. The quickly overwhelmed Eris is soon beset by men who won't let go of her, so at the concerned Kazuma's prompting, Aigis goes to fulfill its duty of protecting the pure goddess by charging through the mob and to her side so it can let Eris inside, despite failing to trick the goddess into uttering a keyword that declares her marriage.
With the mob confused over Eris' whereabouts after she was magically transferred inside the holy armour, Kazuma while the focus of attention shifts to him and the holy armour, tells Aigis to bring his boss to safety as he holds the pursuers back. Yelling provocations at the crowd, the assistant brings a close to the Eris Appreciation Festival through a big brawl.
Later bailed out of jail by an unamused Darkness and brought back to the mansion where he has to seiza alongside Aqua, the beaten-up Kazuma is interrogated by the acting governor, who having met the president of the merchants' association when he brought the festival advisor's reward money to the mansion, discovered that Kazuma was the mastermind behind setting the two churches against one another in order to earn more during the festival, something an interrogation of Aqua had proven, on top of coming up with other scummy ideas. As Darkness shames the dogezaing Kazuma over trying to unscrupulously profit from the festival, Megumin also brings up the topic of him drinking with women dressed like Succubi. This however devolves into a quarrel between the Archwizard and the Crusader over their relationships with him, delighting Kazuma with the prospect of becoming a harem protagonist.
Next turning to Aqua, Darkness scolds her for using the recent popularity of the Axis Church to start a pyramid scheme, and Kazuma who had once talked with her about this complicated type of crime also becomes a target of the acting governor's rage. Aqua jealous at all the hype over Eris, however, heatedly claims that her earning money for next year's Aqua Appreciation Festival through pyramid schemes which the local laws don't cover yet is legitimate. The goddess though quickly cowers under the wrath of Darkness, who having returned the victims' money also warns her about getting a criminal record like Kazuma, something that he denies having.
Aqua anyhow attends with everybody the closing party for the festival, where Kazuma is surprised to find followers of her fraternising with those of Eris. As Chris pours wine for Darkness who calls for keeping it from Megumin, in response to the latter talking about her age difference with him, Kazuma reveals how it is his birthday on that day, but then nearly gets duped by Aqua into thinking that birthday boys in this world need to gift other people presents.
Later sneaking out onto the night streets alongside Chris, who had heard about him masterminding the double festivals, Kazuma tells her of the merchants' association deciding to continue holding the Eris Appreciation Festival in the wake of the patron goddess' advent, especially with the Eris Church declaring Axel as their holy city. Forgiving him because of his and Aigis' efforts in saving her earlier, Chris talks about the holy armour agreeing to help in the war against the Demon King's Army as long as she can find a Sword Master to become its master. While Kazuma is relieved at bringing things to a close, the two of them hear passers-by speaking in praise of Eris once more, though Chris the Thief declines giving blessings with her current identity.
She is accordingly bumped into by a pair of little sisters who have been carrying "Chris" flowers, the flower language of which means defiance. One of the girls proceeds to note that the Thief sporting a scar on her face from battles against the Demon King's Army is unlike the other rough adventurers, and reveals how they had bought the "Chris" flowers as offerings for Eris to express their gratitude over the goddess blessing them with a peaceful life amidst the war. After the avatar of Eris expresses her thanks, the girls realising the Thief to possess the same eye and hair colour as the said goddess gifts one of the "Chris" flowers to the "young man", much to the moved Chris' shock. Later teasing Goddess of Fortune about her using the flower for naming her cover identity, Kazuma too starts praising the embarrassed Chris for fighting lone battles behind the scenes, before she conveys her appreciation for all that he had done.
Differences to other versions[]
- In the light novel, Aigis in its excitement at seeing Eris offers to let Kazuma inside it as reward for introducing the goddess.
- The audience requesting various blessings from Eris is a manga-only feature.
- Aigis while struggling to reach Eris in the light novel easily parts the crowd with its body all heated up by the sun, following which Kazuma shakes the hand of the person persistently holding onto Eris in order to disgust him into letting go.
- Eris in the light novel finds herself getting cooked alive inside the hot suit of armour, while Kazuma's attempt at lowering the temperature by Freezing Aigis fails because of its immunity to magic.
- Kazuma sprays the frenzied audience with Created Water prior to taking them on in the light novel.
- When confronted by the enraged Darkness over her pyramid scheme, Aqua in the light novel starts off by mirroring Vanir's statement prior to her interrogation of him.
- In addition to Kazuma, Darkness in the light novel also says that Megumin possesses a criminal record because she had been jailed for recklessly casting Explosions.
- Vanir is also shown attending the closing party in the light novel.
- During the discussion about birthdays in the light novel, Megumin offers to gift Kazuma something later, before the news that Darkness had invited Chris but not her troublemaking party members to her birthday party back in spring sparks outrage.
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