Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

The eleventh chapter of the Kyakkou manga, which covers Chapter 6 in Volume 1 of the light novels.


Riding along with Dust, the Loli Succubus points out a cute rabbit along the way, only to be told that it is a Bunicorn notorious for using its deceiving looks to approach before impaling unsuspecting prey. Dust meanwhile detects an envious glare from the Helmet Guy sent his way, and wonders if the nobleman is jealous at him getting to ride with the Loli Succubus.

The Helmet Guy then speculates if they will run into the criminal organisation on the way, a question which Dust point out is what Kazuma calls a flag line, though the Loli Succubus cheerily dismisses the concept. While Dust notices the Helmet Guy glowering whenever he chats with the Loli Succubus, he proclaims that the criminals won't attack them unplanned, and gets told off by the others for making a flag statement when as if on cue, seven men of the organisation show up in their path.

On seeing the men already drawing weapons, Dust asks for his companions to play along as he pretends to be a new member of the organisation who is joining up with them per the ringleader's orders. He proceeds to offer up the teary Loli Succubus as a token of camaraderie, only to be reproached for making a loli girl cry by the men who quickly present her with handmade sweets and tea. As the Loli Succubus signals Dust for help, Dust who becomes uncertain if the men are criminals remembers not to let his guard down, before having all doubts erased when the men recite the rules of their lolicon circle.


Differences to other versions[]

  • Dust in hopes of placating what he thinks is jealousy towards him from the Helmet Guy, offers to let the Loli Succubus ride with the nobleman in the light novel, though the Helmet Guy prefers to have Dust ride with him instead, making the Succubus jealous from not being lusted after.
  • Unsure about where the criminals are waiting in ambush, Dust in the light novel regrets kicking the subordinate so hard in his balls, which the delinquent out of pity considers hiring a Priest to Heal in the case they got busted, to the point he couldn't interrogate him for the information.


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