Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

The thirteenth chapter of the Kyakkou manga, which covers Chapter 6 in Volume 1 of the light novels.


After the Helmet Guy rejoins Dust, who is worried if the lone criminal in his party will do something to Rin as well as whether he can control himself should something really happen, the said accomplice marvels at his handiwork while Dust's party members are sound asleep courtesy of the sleeping powder he had snuck into the campfire. With still two hours to spare before rendezvousing with his companions, the accomplice excitedly strips Rin to her underwear, before proceeding to grope her breasts. Yet upon feeling the breasts to be much more voluptuous than expected, the accomplice looks again only to find an aroused Orc in Rin's place, making him back away in terror right into two more Orcs behind him, and yells for help as the Orcs begin molesting him.

Dust and his party members, who he had located while the accomplice was sleeping, but initially refused to believe him until the Loli Succubus and the Helmet Guy confirmed his story, look down at the accomplice screaming on the ground due to his nightmare induced by the Loli Succubus. With Taylor and Keith accordingly thanking and praising Dust, the embarrassed Rin can only reluctantly follow suit.


Differences to other versions[]

  • The manga omits Dust's concern over the Loli Succubus learning to blackmail him with threats of giving nightmares.

External Links[]

