Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

The second chapter of the Kyakkou manga, which covers Chapter 2 in Volume 1 of the light novels.


Dust wanders the streets of Axel while claiming to himself that he is patrolling the town he runs, when he reaches a general store to the irritation of its owner. As Dust alleges how he had done the owner a favour by taking away for free the "substandard" leftover stock during the previous visit, he gets a facefull of salt lobbed at him. The unapologetic Dust however maintains his innocence and tries pressuring the owner into cancelling his debts with him, until Rin comes up and smacks him on the head.

Rin proceeds to chide Dust for causing trouble for others as well as having dandruff, which Dust tries explaining is salt, but when the owner jokes how monsters will find the salted delinquent tasty, Rin tells him that the Guild had warned adventurers not to go out on quests, due to a General of the Demon King taking residence at an old castle nearby. Dust thus proclaims how he will taken care of that General, only to be clobbered by Rin for arrogance, before she grumbles about always having to usher Dust from jail where he likes going to for free meals and accomodation. After encouraging the owner to call the police on Dust if needed, Rin tells Dust to try be like the courteous and popular Mitsurugi, who had beaten a drunken Dust up once. Pretending not to remember that shameful altercation, Dust tries to convince them how Mitsurugi is a fraud, yet he instead gets rebuked as somebody corrupted both inside and outside.

Walking off in displeasure, Dust notices Fio and Cremea quarrelling over who gets to sit next to Mitsurugi, and accordingly gropes their butts. Mitsurugi shows up just as he escalates the harassment, at which Dust tries to trick him into paying money, but gets foiled by the girls who call him out for his perversion. Reminded of Dust being the delinquent who had harassed the girls earlier at the Guild, Mitsurugi makes to beat him up again, so Dust feigns a stomach ache to flee.

Several days later, a spiteful Dust reads books on ways to defeat handsome guys while occupying a chair the general store owner had put out as merchandise in front of his store, then when the owner comes complaining he grumbles about Mitsurugi. Dust accordingly hears how earlier on, a new adventurer had sold to the store a heavy blunt sword looking like the one wielded by Mitsurugi. Confirming it to indeed be the enchanted sword only Mitsurugi can use, Dust buys it by trading in his old helmet made of superior craftsmanship, little knowing that somebody is observing the transaction.


Differences to other versions[]

  • Dust earlier in the light novel had been drinking after losing his wealth at the casino before being banned for violence.
  • In the light novel of Megumin's spinoff where Dust got beaten up by Mitsurugi, the fight occurred on the streets outside the Guild instead of inside the building where fighting is not allowed.
  • Some onlookers make comments when Dust is harassing Cremea and Fio in the light novel.
  • The light novel doesn't specify what kind of books does Dust read while occupying the chair in front of the general store.

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