Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

The third chapter of the Kyakkou manga, which covers Chapter 2 in Volume 1 of the light novels.


As Dust joyfully plans his revenge using Mitsurugi's sword, he is abruptly confronted by a Priest of the Axis Church. Trying to drive her off by asking her to treat him to lunch, Dust who gets pointed out as impoverished is instead asked to treat her in exchange for scriptures of the Axis Church. The Priest then reveals how she was laying in wait around the general store for Mitsurugi to come buy his sword back, and now wants Dust to hand it over to her for free, so she can blackmail Mitsurugi into pampering her for life without him running off like last time. At Dust's refusal to give it away for free, the Priest offers to have him sign a receipt first, which infuriates Dust once he realises it is actually a registration form for the Axis Church.

After chasing off the Priest, Dust hid the sword inside a borrowed storage and set out to look for Mitsurugi, yet runs into Rin who insists on scrutinising him upon hearing his promise of earning a fortune soon. Finding a frantic Mitsurugi a little later, Dust admits buying the sword from the general store. Subsequent to convincing Rin that he didn't steal it, Dust demands Mitsurugi pay him 5 million eris for buying back the sword, which to his and Rin's surprise Mitsurugi readily pays. While Dust hands over the key and storage location, he verifies if Mitsurugi is serious with paying, so the Swordmaster replies how Gram is his precious link with the goddess. Despite Dust offering to pay Rin back the money he owed her following Mitsurugi's departure, the suspicious Wizard refuses to accept the money until she is sure the police won't come arresting him over it.

Dust ponders what to do with the money as he walks off, when the Priest comes asking about the sword, and is dismayed to hear that the leverage she had wanted to use for eating something other than Gelatinous Slime had already been sold back to Mitsurugi. The Priest then admits how she had planned to date Dust instead of paying him, so the unwilling Dust lies about Mitsurugi wanting to seek a lovely Axis Priest, and successfully makes the Priest run off for preparing marriage certificates.

As the relieved Dust proceeds towards a bar, he passes by a vegetable store with Cabbages and Lettuces on sale due to large numbers of stock captured in the earlier harvest. Tomatoes on the other hand had suffered a devastatingly bad harvest and thus were priced expensively, so Dust gets the idea of buying all of the stall's Tomatoes with the 5 million eris and selling them for a higher price at the Royal Capital. The stall owner without asking about the money's source accordingly borrows Dust a cart to transport the huge load of Tomatoes in, yet just when Dust plans to find somebody who can use Teleport, he hears the Guild making an emergency broadcast for all adventurers especially the party of somebody named Satou Kazuma to assemble at the town's gate, which Rin as she passes by goads him into joining while asking to take a Tomato afterwards.

Deciding to drag the cart of Tomatoes with him, Dust finds Keith at the town gate alongside other adventurers, and hears of how some adventurers had already been cut down by a Dullahan now dodging spurts of water. He thus steps forward in preparation to finish the fight while still dragging the cart, yet at that moment, Aqua in showing off to Kazuma summons a flood with Sacred Create Water. When the water finally recedes, Dust who nearly drowned wakes up to discover in sorrow that the cart of Tomatoes were smashed, though the general store owner comes up and points out one intact Tomato in the cart's wreckage.

Later at the Guild, Dust lays flat in despair as his companions comment about him missing out on the rewards for defeating a Demon King's General due to being late. Then as Rin complains about no Tomatoes in her salad for the past couple of months, Dust hands her the last Tomato in town, and as she cheerily munches on it, he resignedly watches her smile bought with 5 million eris.


Differences to other versions[]

  • The general store's owner mutters comments from the side in the light novel during Cecily's conversation at his storefront with Dust.
  • Cecily runs off for the first time in the light novel because she wanted to swindle followers of the Eris Church into giving her money to buy Gram off Dust.
  • Rin initially suspects Dust to have done something illegal that will involve the police when hearing him talk of earning a fortune in the light novel, then makes to teach the delinquent a lesson with her spells once he tries swindling 5 million eris from Mitsurugi.
  • Keith and Taylor are also by Rin's side when they run into Dust on their way to the city gate in the light novel.
  • The manga adds an excerpt from the main story where Aqua summons a flood, but omits the point where Dust tries to hold onto the cart of Tomatoes when swept away as well as him later trying to wipe his tears on the general store owner's trousers.

Timeline Paradox[]

Although the dialogues of the store owner and Cecily appear to indicate that Gram was sold to the general store several days earlier, in the main story the sale of Gram occurred only one day prior to the attack on Axel by Beldia and his army.

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