The Main Spring (
Located at the top of the mountain behind the main cathedral of the Axis Order which is responsible for its maintenance, the main spring gushes into a large reservoir, from which pipelines funnel the hot spring water into distribution ponds at lower elevations before dispersal to the distribution systems in the city. The whole area is walled off from outsiders unrelated to spring maintenance, with the gates constantly guarded by followers of the Eris Order. Due to the lack of people, monsters sometimes appear around the path leading up to the main spring.[1]
As part of the plot for destroying Arcanletia's hot springs in order to bankrupt the Axis Order, Hans devoured the old man responsible for maintaining the main spring and assumed his appearance to bypass the guards, before releasing his toxic slime into the water source so that all the hot springs in the city will be contaminated.[1] In the middle of the process, he was confronted by Kazuma and his companions, and following a fierce battle which saw Hans obliterated by Aqua's goddess power, the purifying effects released by her attack ended up turning the water gushing from the main spring into pure hot water with holy properties.[2]
Following the incident, knights were posted to guard the gates instead.[3] However, a surviving shard of Hans that lost its memory was able to order the Gelatinous Slime in town to bypass the guards via the pipes in order to steal food for its recovery, though it was later destroyed by the Megumin Bandits.[4]