Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Judgement Upon Obnoxious Big Breasts! (憎き巨乳に成敗を!, Nikuki Kyonyū ni Sēbai wo!) is the sixteenth chapter of the Megumin Anthology manga series, and was illustrated by Itohana.


In their inn at Arcanletia, Megumin abruptly begs for Kazuma to pose as her big brother, making Kazuma who calls her crazy ask the reason for her request, since she usually dislikes being seen as a loli. Next asking the hesitating Megumin if she is about to wet herself, Kazuma promises to keep what she says a secret, which turns out to be her wanting to head for a breast-enlarging beauty salon currently offering a discount for brother-sister groups. After Megumin denies her motive to be desiring big breasts, she tells Kazuma that the salon can also help men strengthen their muscles and enlarge "that part", prompting him to change his attitude and agree on going.

At the high-class salon which looks similar to what Kazuma had seen on television, the employee upon hearing them wishing to use the discount proceeds to test if they are really siblings. She initially wants to have them sign a church registration form, but at the pair promptly making to leave, instead asks them to give the other a passionate hug. Faced with the prospect of having to hug a man who leers while holding somebody's panties, Megumin starts panicking as Kazuma advances on her.

Yet just as she is about to comply for the sake of big breasts, Kazuma gets hugged by a Yunyun who suddenly runs up to him while calling him "big brother". Upon being questioned on what she is doing, Yunyun tells Megumin that she is challenging her to a contest over which one of them is more suited to be Kazuma's little sister. The piqued Megumin consequently accepts the challenge, before hugging Kazuma as she drones out a little sister's monologue in a terrifying tone.

The employee though accepts them to be a brother-sister trio, making Yunyun secretly glad to be seen as Megumin's sister. Megumin however is unhappy over having to pose as sisters with Yunyun, who with her body style doesn't have a need to attend the salon in the first place. As Yunyun heads off to the massage, Kazuma talks Megumin into letting it go for now, since they will both have dynamite bodies afterwards.

Two hours later, Megumin emerges from the massage to find that nothing had changed, so as the two of them go sit at the fountain plaza, Kazuma tries to cheer her up and talk her out of being mindful of breast sizes. Megumin initially replies to him with an explanation concerning women inherently caring about how big their breasts are, but it soon turns into a rant over the world which is full of those who judge women's value by breasts size deserving to be Exploded. Kazuma thus stops her continuing that train of thought by stating that he likes her purity displayed in her pursuit of Explosion Magic, which makes him jealous because he in contrast quickly envies people and thinks twistedly. Feeling much better and finding her obsession with breasts quite foolish, Megumin who decides to be more confident in herself accordingly asks if Kazuma doesn't really like big breasts, only to hear how he still prefers big ones, causing her to Explode.


