Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Morgan (モーガン) is one of the adventurers in Axel.


Morgan is a stocky middle aged man with pale brown hair and a moustache, who is usually dressed in a cowboy outfit with a waistcoat and chaps.


Not much is known about his personality, but he was shown to be one who is outspoken against troublemakers, in addition to liking soccer.


Morgan was one of the adventurers who along with Sakamaki and Yunyun grilled Aqua and Megumin when they came to the Adventurer Guild reporting about how their party had failed to defeat the Kowloon Hydra. But after Kazuma treated the adventurers at the Guild for meals in exchange for helping Darkness slay the Hydra, he also joined in the endeavour.[1] Then during Darkness' wedding ceremony, Morgan being part of the adventurers gathered outside the church voiced discontent at Alderp's guards barring them entry.[2] Subsequent to Kazuma escaping with the bride in hand, he ignored Alderp's request to stop them by starting a soccer match among the adventurers, whom he soon teamed up with to beat up the lord's guards.[3]


  • Morgan is an anime-original character created for the purpose of getting voiced by Mogami Tsuguo.

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