Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

One-Punch Bears ((いち)(げき)(くま)) are powerful bears that can kill people in one hit.


One-Punch Bears are large bears with massive claws on their forelegs, while the colouration of their fur and other specific appearance traits vary depending on the media.


One-Punch Bears are an apex breed of very violent bears that possess powerful claws capable of beheading unprepared targets in one hit, although sometimes hunters take advantage of them being solitary to take them out, as their livers are said to fetch a good price.[1]


  • White Bear (シロクマ): Bears inhabiting snowy environments that sport white fur and less power than the One-Punch Bear.[2][3]
  • Fuming Bear (プンプン熊): Red bears wearing an eyepatch that prowl the halls of Shangri-La as they rage over their lost eye.[2]
  • Kumagoro (熊五郎): A black bear that lost an eye and bites on a salmon it clawed out of the river, with wooden carvings of it being sold at Arcanletia.[2]
  • Armoured Bear (アーマードクマ): A grey bear living in the Snowfield Forest that wears hard armour.[2]
  • Insta-Kill Bear (一撃瞬殺熊): One-Punch Bears that are much bigger than normal.[4]


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